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Työterveyslaitoksen Laatuverkosto-merkki

Wellbeing at work for public sector professionals

The objective of Länsirannikon Työterveys is to ensure that our owners’, i.e. the public sector's, employees receive at least as comprehensive (according to the scope of your employer's contract) and high-quality occupational health services as employees of other sectors.

Supporting the everyday and transformation of healthcare and social welfare personnel

From 1 January 2023, we are also responsible for the occupational healthcare of the healthcare and social welfare professionals of the wellbeing services counties of Southwest Finland and Satakunta. We hope that healthcare organisations’ occupational health services don’t suffer from the same problem as the shoemakers’ children: one’s own shoes are not ready or do not fit.


The Finnish healthcare is undergoing possibly the biggest transformation since its establishment. Transformation processes are always straining for the personnel, and this further increases the occupational healthcare's role as a supporter of functional changes.

Our mission is to support and help the helpers. For our part, we want to make sure that healthcare professionals are coping at their work and get help quickly in all situations.

Länsirannikon työterveys Oy

Länsirannikon Työterveys Oy acts as an independent operator, enhancing the wellbeing at work of public sector employers and employees.


100 % domestic

Länsirannikon Työterveys Oy is a 100% domestic and publicly owned company, with a so-called In House operating principle. We produce occupational health services to our owners only, in the regions of Southwest Finland and Satakunta.



From 1 January 2023, our owners are the wellbeing services counties of Southwest Finland (VARHA) and Satakunta, City of Turku, City of Salo, Turku University of Applied Sciences, Turun Vesihuolto, Turku City Theatre, Kaarea Oy, Forum Marinum Maritime Centre.



We have approximately 45,000 private clients. Part of the services for the personnel of the wellbeing services counties are produced in close cooperation with our subcontractors.


Service locations

Our service locations are in Turku, Pori, Salo, Parainen, Loimaa and Ulvila.



We have approximately 140 employees. The company’s turnover is estimated to be approximately EUR 28 million. We have strong experience and competence in producing occupational health services for public sector employers, and especially for healthcare and social welfare personnel.

Is your company looking for a provider of statutory occupational health services in Southwest Finland?

You can find the service contracts for wellbeing services county companies and entrepreneurs here.

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