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Postal address

P.O. Box 1001, FI-20101 Turku


Switchboard and email

tel. +358 (0)10 325 2200



Petri Nieminen

CEO / Chief Occupational Health Physician


Reija Allén-Kulmala

Head of Administration

Human resources, client relationships and public authority issues


Miia Tammiluoto

Data protection officer



Invoice addressess

Länsirannikon Työterveys Oy

P.O. Box 176, FI-00101 HELSINKI

Business ID 2519386-5



Patient ombudsperson

Client and patient rights / Varha

Patient ombudsperson service / Varha


Telephone services

010 325 2200


MON-WED 8-15

THU-FRI 8-14


Starting from 28 December 2023, when calling a business number beginning with 010, mobile phone calls are subject to mobile call charges and calls from land lines are charged at the local network rate. The call charge is determined by the caller's phone subscription agreement.

Cancelling an appointment


An appointment should be cancelled on the day before the appointment at the latest. For uncancelled appointments or appointments cancelled on the day of the appointment, we will charge a fee of 49€.


Appointments booked through online appointment booking can be cancelled via the

online appointment booking.


Other cancellations preferably via email to:


The message should include:

  • Your name

  • The reason of the appointment

  • The professional to whom the appointment is booked and the service location


To avoid the congestion of telephone lines, please use the above-mentioned methods to cancel appointments.


We appreciate feedback


It’s important for us that our clients are satisfied with our service, and we appreciate any feedback on how we succeeded.


You can give us feedback on the attached form. If you wish to be contacted, please mention this in the comment field. Also mention which service location your feedback is regarding.


Thank you for your feedback!

Vihreä logon merkki

Turku Data-City

Lemminkäisenkatu 14–18 C, Data-City, 4. floor, FI-20520 Turku


Open on weekdays 7:30–16:00

Patient/client transactions via telephone services,

tel. +358 (0)10 325 2200


Unit's Senior Occupational Health Physician Hannu Haanpää

Service Manager Sanna Ylikorpi


Turku Hämeenkatu

Hämeenkatu 10, FI-20500 Turku


Open on weekdays 7:30–16:00

Patient/client transactions via telephone services,

tel. +358 (0)10 325 2200


Unit's Senior Occupational Health Physician Tuija Kaasinen

Unit’s Service Manager Terhi Nurmi



Mörnenkatu 3, 3. floor 

FI-23500 Uusikaupunki


Services by appointment on weekdays

Patient/client transactions via telephone services,

tel. +358 (0)10 325 2200


Unit's Senior Occupational Health Physician Hannu Haanpää (Turku Data-City)

Service Manager Sanna Ylikorpi (Turku Data-City)



Vilhonkatu 25, FI-24240 Salo


Opening hours Mon-Thu 8:00–16:00, Fri 8:00–15:00

Patient/client transactions via telephone services,

tel. +358 (0)10 325 2200


Unit's Senior Occupational Health Physician Tuija Kaasinen

Unit’s Service Manager Elisa Saarikko



Seppälänkatu 15-17, 3. floor, FI-32200 Loimaa


Services by appointment on weekdays

Patient/client transactions via telephone services,

tel. +358 (0)10 325 2200


Unit's Senior Occupational Health Physician Tuija Kaasinen

Unit’s Service Manager Elisa Saarikko



Vapparintie 15, FI-21600 Parainen


Services by appointment on weekdays

Patient/client transactions via telephone services,

tel. +358 (0)10 325 2200


Unit's Senior Occupational Health Physician Hannu Haanpää (Turku Data-City)

Service Manager Sanna Ylikorpi (Turku Data-City)



Satasairaalan työterveysasema (Satasairaala occupational health station),

Sairaalantie 3, FI-28500 Pori


Opening hours Mon-Fri 8:00–16:00

Patient/client transactions via telephone services,

tel. +358 (0)10 325 2200


Unit's Senior Occupational Health Physician Janne Vehanen 

Service Manager Heli Haavisto-Aho



Välskärintie 1, FI-28450 Vanha-Ulvila


Services by appointment on weekdays

Patient/client transactions via telephone services,

tel. +358 (0)10 325 2200


Unit's Senior Occupational Health Physician Janne Vehanen (Pori)

Service Manager Heli Haavisto-Aho (Pori)


Seafarers’ Health Centre

Hämeenkatu 10, FI-20500 Turku


Open on weekdays 7:30–16:00

Patient/client transactions via telephone services,

tel. +358 (0)10 325 2200


Unit's Senior Occupational Health Physician Tuija Kaasinen

Unit’s Service Manager Terhi Nurmi,


Chest X-ray for seafarer's certificate


An electronic referral for the chest X-ray is created in advance, at the seafarers’ health centre, in connection with the appointment booking.


Patient/client transactions via telephone services,

tel. +358 (0)2 313 3633

On weekdays 8:00–15:00


Service locations

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