Seafarers’ Health Centre

The seafarers’ health centre provides health care and occupational health care for seafarers, and is responsible for the medical examination of seafarers.

From 1 January 2022, the seafarers’ health centre services of the city of Turku are provided by Länsirannikon Työterveys Oy, at the familiar address, Hämeenkatu 10 20500 Turku.

According to the act on medical examinations of seafarers (Act on Medical Fitness Examinations of Seafarers 1171/2010), the crew working on board must meet the set medical fitness standards.

Appropriate physical aptitude is ensured by a pre-sea examination and periodic examinations. When entering the industry for the first time, a person must undergo a “pre-sea examination”. For

international voyages, the pre-sea examination takes place in a seafarers’ health centre. For domestic voyages, the pre-sea examination may also be conducted by an outsider medical examiner

of seafarers. Periodic examinations for domestic and international voyages may be performed by a medical examiner of seafarers, working outside the seafarers’ health centre.

The aim of the seafarers’ medical fitness examination is to ensure that the crew members’ health condition enables them to perform their professional duties, without compromising maritime safety, their own safety, or that of other crew members.

Validity of Certificates

In principle, the medical certificate is valid for two years from the date of issue. The validity of the certificate may be limited due to an illness, for instance. The medical certificate of a person under

the age of 18, is valid for one year.

Instructions for Seafarers Coming in for Medical Examination

1. Bring a photo ID card.

2. Bring eyeglasses, if you have any. Remove contact lenses before the examination.

3. Bring your last seafarer’s medical certificate. Possible dispensation decision must be presented in periodic examination. The possible dispensation decision commonly includes guidelines on, what examinations and health certificates must be included as an attachment to the dispensation application.

4. A urine sample is taken in the examination, to examine the levels of protein and glucose in the urine.

5. Time reserved for the examination, is 60min with the nurse and 30-60min with the medical examiner of seafarers (physician). – the duration of the examination can be longer than the reserved time.

6. There is a 56,70 € fee for a missed appointment or appointment cancelled on the same day.

7. Persons coming in for a pre-sea examination for international voyages, must have a radiologist’s certificate on a chest X-ray image (taken less than a year ago). An electronic referral for the chest X-ray is created in advance, at the seafarers’ health centre, in connection with the appointment booking. A radiologist’s certificate is NOT required for domestic voyages. (For periodic examinations, X-rays only on physician’s decision.)

8. Bring medical records of possible long-term health conditions.

Chest Imaging (in Turku)

An electronic referral for the chest X-ray is created in advance, at the seafarers’ health centre, in connection with the appointment booking. Imaging: Turunmaa Hospital. Kaskenkatu 13, Turku.

Entrance on the corner of Kaskenkatu and Sirkkalankatu. Imaging appointment can be reserved via telephone: +358 23146260. The visit is free of charge. Please, remember to mention that the imaging is for the seafarers’ certificate.

Non-residents may ask for a referral for the chest x-ray from their own local health centre.

Appointment booking for seafarers’ medical examination, via telephone only, tel: +358 (0)10 3252 200